Revelation and Demonstration!

Revelation and Demonstration!
We Are Committed
We are committed to preaching the Gospel throughout all the world with signs following. We are taking the revelation of God’s Word, with demonstrations, to churches, Bible schools, crusades, seminars, and various outreaches.
Our Vision
After 32 years of pastoring, the Lord has instructed us to impart what He has given to us for the local church and the nations.
We are committed to preaching the Gospel throughout all the world with signs following. We are taking the revelation of God’s Word, with demonstrations, to churches, Bible schools, crusades, seminars, and various outreaches.
What you can expect in one of our meetings
A Strong, Tangible Anointing
Hearts Stirred for Revival
No Canned Sermons!
Respect for Allotted Time
Manifestations of the Spirit of God
Easy to Understand Sermons
Strong Support for the Pastoral Ministry
People Saved and Filled With the Holy Spirit
Personal Encouragement
A Strong Spirit of Faith!

Quotes from Jim
(Click on any image to expand it.)

Travel History
Through the years, we’ve had the awesome opportunity to minister in many countries, cities, and villages all around the world; and this is only just the beginning!
Travel History
Through the years, we’ve had the awesome opportunity to minister in many countries, cities, and villages all around the world; and this is only just the beginning!

Meet Jim Harris
Jim was raised in Phoenix, AZ, where in August of 1983, he had a powerful conversion experience that set him free from a life of drugs and hopelessness. He graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1986 and New Life Bible School the following year.
Jim’s “down-to-earth” and transparent teaching style is a refreshing change for many who have traded “religious” rules and regulations for a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The calling and anointing on his life are evident as the power of God manifests regularly to set others free, just as the Lord set him free all those years ago.
Because he has a heart for seeing the Gospel transform the world, he has traveled to such places as Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Africa, Latvia, Haiti, the deep jungles of the Amazon in Peru, and several cities in Mexico, teaching in Bible schools and preaching in churches and crusades. Pastor Jim is licensed and ordained with RMAI (Kenneth Hagin Ministries).
“Pastor Jim Harris has been with us in Tanzania teaching the Word of God in our Bible School, Academy of Leadership, and also at our seminars in connection with our crusades. He has a unique anointing to communicate revelation and lift up the hearts of the ministers and people in general. Because of Pastor Jim's prayer life He always has a fresh and timely message. I highly recommend his ministry.”
Egon Falk, New Life Outreach/Egon Falk Ministries
"Hi, my name is Darrell Price. I'm the founding pastor of Family Worship Center of Waco, Texas for 36 years. We have had many quality ministers come to our church and Rev. Jim Harris is one of our congregation's favorites. I would highly encourage any church to offer an invitation for him to come and minister for them. He has a dynamic relationship with the Lord Jesus. Every person in the congregation will be ministered to by his many strengths - he is Spirit led, he has a wonderful prayer life, and he moves in the gifs of the Holy Spirit. His vast experience will bring a great blessing to your congregation.”
Darrell Price, Pastor of Family Worship Center – Waco, TX
"Kingdom connections are vital to the body. But finding connections through the power of the Holy Ghost is key! Pastor Jim and his wife have been a blessing to my family and most importantly to our church body. I don't share the pulpit with too many people, but Pastor Jim will always have a place to minister! If you are a Spirit led church, you will not be disappointed! What a blessing!! Thank you, Pastor!”
Felix Vargus, Pastor of Living Water Fellowship – Orange Grove, TX
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